Now that everything is scripted, we can't take just anyone to raids anymore. What this means is we can no longer set up raids in under 15min. We have to organize things. We have to create a calender. Let's say... In a week we will do naxx norm 10man, we need to get the appropriate classes in the raid group. This means we cannot just take 5 shamans or 7 rouges or 6 palladins and call it a day. We have to select specific classes and number of each class so that way we get more benefits in a raid. Ex: naxx norm 10man: dps/buff boys: 2shamans, 1enhanc, 1 elemental; 2 pallys, both shockadins or 1 shockadin and one prot( if 1 is prot then we will have him as tank leaving space for another dps; 1rouge, combat; 1mage or warlock or hunter or dk or warrior HEALS: priest; Druid TANK: 2tanks, 1druid; 1pally or 1warrior. That's it. Once we fill in those spots then the raid will be at the certain time.